Girl With the Green Eyes asked in Games & Recreation Other - Games & Recreation 1 decade ago Is there any other paper games like MASH? I can't seem to think of any others and googling it seems like to much work since everytime I type something in, it just picks up MASH and not any different ones. This game had my eighty-eight-year-old grandma nearly rolling on the floor laughing. You will need paper, pens, and a pair of scissors. This game works best with more than five people and has no limit to how many can play. Grab a few sheets of paper and cut it into strips long enough to write a sentence on. Hand a strip of paper and pen to each. MASH stands for Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House, and is a classic school pen and paper game, now brought to you in epic digital form. Will the fun ever stop? Probably not, but there is only one way to find out - play MASH Party today! No pencil and paper required, batteries not included. Bulls and Cows, Sprout, Battleship and more fun paper games. Here’s a list of more pencil and paper games to play. Find 156 fun games in our newest Game Guide. Includes everything from games you can play in a small space with no materials, to games you can play in a big group during recess. MASH, or M.A.S.H. If you like, is an acronym that stands for Mansion Apartment Shack House. To find out which one of those dwellings you're going to live in someday, and other things like what kind of car you'll drive and who you'll marry, you have to play MASH! MASH can be played with just a pen, some paper, and a friend.
ok, got this from..
First, get a piece of paper and a pen. When asked to tell the names of someone, make sure it's someone you actually know. Go with your first instincts!
1. Write the numbers 1 through 9 in a column.
2. Beside numbers one and five, write the names of members of the opposite sex.
3. Write anyone's name beside numbers two, three, and four.
4. Write down four song titles beside numbers six, seven, eight, and nine.
Results at the bottom of the page!!!! Dont scroll down or you'll ruin finish the paper.then scroll down!!
. The person beside number one is the person that you love.
2. The person beside number five is the one you like but can't work out.
3. You care most about the person you put beside number two.
4. The person you name beside number three is the one who knows you very well.
5. The person you name beside number four is your lucky star.
6. The song beside of number six is the song that matches with the person in number one.
7. The song in number seven is the song for the person beside number five.
Urdu story book. 8. The song in number eight tells you most about your mind.
9. The song you put in the ninth space tells how you feel about life!
to my surprize..these ended up true!! kind of creepy thought..but it makes sense..the order you put them in on the list..try it! ~ESPgirl~
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