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I'm creating a custom RHEL 6.4 iso to save myself time while rebuilding standalone hosts. Before I customize the menus and add the extra kickstart files in I have tried a simple unpack - repack to make sure the iso image actually works. All of my builds fail to load the grub menu and just leave me at the prompt instead of loading the grub menu. CentOS 6.4 has been released 9th March 2013. As we know, CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public. It has 100% binary compatibility with its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).
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Understanding APIs
APIs let your products and services communicate with other products and services without having to constantly build new connectivity infrastructure.
API management helped Lufthansa Technik optimize airline operations.
Understanding automation
Automation is the use of technology to perform tasks without human assistance. In tech, automation is found in IT systems and business decision software.
The British Army sped up service delivery by automating management.
Cloud computing
Understanding cloud computing
Clouds are IT environments that abstract, pool, and share scalable resources across a network.
The airline improved customer service by implementing a modern hybrid cloud.
Understanding Linux containers
Containers let you package and isolate applications with their entire runtime environment, making it easier to move the contained app between environments.
The automaker adopted a container-based cloud platform to speed delivery and simplify maintenance.
Understanding DevOps
DevOps is an approach to culture, automation, and platform design intended to deliver increased business value and responsiveness through rapid service delivery.
BP coupled a container platform with DevOps to speed provisioning.
Digital transformation
Understanding digital transformation
Digital transformation integrates new technology and applications into your existing infrastructure to fundamentally change how it operates.
The bank embraced digital transformation by building an app dev platform.
Understanding enterprise integration
Enterprise integration has evolved from a centralized model with an enterprise service bus (ESB) to a distributed architecture with many reusable endpoints.
Integrating apps and data on a private cloud let the bank launch innovative services.
Understanding Linux
Linux is the stable foundation for all IT workloads and deployments—whether traditional or innovative—from bare metal to virtual, cloud, and containers.
Elo cut time to market with agile, on-demand infrastructure built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Understanding microservices
Microservices is an architecture and an approach to writing software where apps are broken down into their smallest components, independent from each other.
This bank used microservices to modernize its IT environment.
Understanding middleware
Middleware is any software between the kernel and user applications that provides services to apps outside of what’s offered by the operating system.
Middleware helps the Dutch airport provide seamless journeys to customers.
Understanding security
IT security protects the integrity of information technologies like computer systems, networks, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access.
The Argentine bank improved security with open source solutions.
Understanding virtualization
Virtualization makes a single physical machine act like multiple—saving you the cost of more servers and workstations.
Virtualization trimmed deployment times from weeks to hours for this provider.
Red Hat and open source
We believe in collaboration. We believe in choice, control, and freedom. Open source values like meritocracy, community building, and transparency are changing the way we approach business and life.
Linux ISO images are a very efficient way to download and install a distribution. All that is required is sufficient drive space, software to write the ISO image and a bootable media such as CD/DVD or USB flash drive.
Below you will find links to Linux ISO Image Downloads for mainstream Linux distributions.
What is an ISO image?
In the context of files and programs, an 'image', whether an ISO or other media image, is simply a file that can be used as an identical copy of the original media. This file not only contains individual data files, but it also contains track and sector information and arranges all this information in a file system, just like disk media. Image files, unlike normal files, are usually not opened; rather, they are mounted.
An ISO image (.iso) is simply a CD-ROM image saved in ISO-9660 format. ISO images are mainly used as source files from which to create CDs. As an example, most distributions of Linux release ISO images of the installation CDs. These images are usually freely available online. Once you download the image, you can use software to recreate the physical installation media.
Learn HowTo create an ISO image file with Linux.
About these Linux Distributions
More information on each of these Linux Distributions is available if you're interested in learning about their features and different editions such as Desktop, Server / Enterprise, LiveCD or NetBook / IoT.
DebianOfficial download: Debian ISO Official mirrors: N/A |
UbuntuOfficial download: Ubuntu ISO Official mirrors: N/A |
Linux MintOfficial download: Linux Mint ISO Official mirrors: N/A |
Arch LinuxOfficial download: Arch Linux ISO Official mirrors: Arch Linux Mirror |
FedoraOfficial download: Fedora Workstation ISO Official download: Fedora Server ISO Official mirrors: Fedora ISO Mirror |
CentOSOfficial download: CentOS ISO Official mirrors: CentOS Mirror |
openSUSEOfficial download: openSUSE ISO Official mirrors: N/A |
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)Official download: Red Hat Enterprise Linux ISO Official mirrors: N/A |
GentooOfficial download: Gentoo ISO Official mirrors: N/A |
RaspbianOfficial download: Raspbian ISO Official mirrors: N/A |